The Power of Proactive Thinking

How many times do we hear the words, “Think before you act”?

Why does it even matter?

What’s the value in thinking before acting?

The answer is simple and powerful…

If you think things through before you do something, you are much more likely to get the results or outcomes that you want more often.

If you don’t think things through, you are less likely to get what you want.

It’s that simple.

And, here’s how it works…

The people who usually get what they want – in any given situation, subject, or circumstance – are those who take the time to focus their thinking on 4 things:

1. They think about what they want to accomplish in that situation, subject or circumstance.

2. They consider all the factors that could influence the outcome before actually getting into the situation, subject or circumstance.

3. They are clear on what they are prepared to compromise to get what they want and about what others are prepared to compromise.

4. They think about alternatives or a back up plan in case they aren’t getting what they want when they are actually in the situation.

As a result of this focused thinking, their chances are higher of getting more of the results or outcomes they want more often.

And, that’s it.

If you simply think proactively (in advance) about what you want to accomplish and think about the factors that could influence the outcome, you’re more likely to get more of what you want more often.